Product Details
Delivering The Goods - Colas Rail Freight

Delivering The Goods - Colas Rail Freight

Product Code: VS106
Brand: Train Crazy
Product Condition: New
weight: 95.0g
£12.00 inc. tax
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Fifth in a series produced by Visions International looking at individual operations of rail freight companies in United Kingdom. This DVD focuses on Colas Rail Freight since their introduction in 2007 right up to 2014. DVD begins by an overview of traction used by the company. Then we get to see the traffic flows operated by Colas Rail Freight, starting with log trains, a traffic flow that was the beginning of the company. Second traffic flow featured are steel trains first operating between Dollands Moor and Burton in 2009. Next feature looks at Colas owned locomotives put out on hire to other companies such as Freightliner. Another traffic flow included is coal workings since 2011 which required running over preserved Weardale Railway. We also see Colas provided traction for stock moves. Then we look at fuel tanker trains that commenced from 2012. Final section is a feature of engineer’s trains contracted on behalf of Network Rail. Throughout the DVD locomotives can be seen at action at a wide variety of locations and can be viewed either with or without commentary
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