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Narrow Gauge In The Americas

Narrow Gauge In The Americas

Product Code: MMNGITA
Brand: Mainline and Maritime
Product Condition: New
weight: 590.0g
£19.95 inc. tax
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Published in 2020 by Mainline and Maritime as part of the Narrow Gauge album, this book Narrow Gauge In The Americas, written by author James Waite, is 128 page illustrated album taking a look at the narrow gauge lines and workings by narrow gauge steam locomotives of the American continents with photographs taken by the author between 2011 and 2018. The arrangement of the book takes a type of virtual journey from east to west across the USA and Canada then on south from Central and South America. Many different types of steam locomotives are shown operating a wide variety of narrow gauge lines. Never before has such an in-depth photographic study of narrow gauge steam in America ever been published before. Although the majority of the locomotives featured within the album were still operational at the time a few inclusions have also been made of locomotives which although have been preserved are now just used as a static display. For any enthusiast with an interest in narrow gauge, this album is certainly one to have especially as since some of the photographs were taken operations on some of the narrow gauge railways have now ceased.
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