Product Details
Big Freight 23

Big Freight 23

Product Code: TC271
Brand: Train Crazy
Product Condition: New
weight: 95.0g
£20.00 inc. tax
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Produced by Train Crazy in co-operation with Videoscene and in conjunction with Freightmaster, Big Freight 23 includes an action-packed two-and-half hour of freight from around the UK. filmed during 2019 and 2020. DVD features the return of Class 37s to the Far North line, working timber trains between Georgemas Junction and Inverness with full coverage of the operation with the empties heading north, and the loading up at Georgemas. Also shown is a brand new freight-only line being built off an existing freight-only line at Castle Donington on the freight-only Stenson branch with a new junction built to serve the East Midlands Container Terminal. A detailed look at the freight operations and lines around Crewe and the vast Basford Hall yard. As well as the well-known vantage points, the independent freight lines that pass under the mainlines are featured in detail with superb aerial footage. Everything from 37s to 68s, 70s, and 86s are featured, including some rare workings. Action at Knottingley and Sudforth Lane highlights the flows to the power station at Drax originating from Liverpool, Tyne Dock, and Immingham with DB and GBRf Class 66s. Class 70 working brand new flow of calcium carbonate, running from Aberdeen to Spalding is featured plus incredibly rare and exclusive footage of 37057 and 37099 on a ballast drop at Southport station, an afternoon at Trowell Junction, class 57 57312 hauls two Class 508s for scrap as well as new Class 66 liveries.
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