Product Details
Blue Star Line - A Fleet History

Blue Star Line - A Fleet History

Product Code: MMBSLAFH
Brand: Mainline and Maritime
Product Condition: New
weight: 1730.0g
£37.00 inc. tax
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A massively informative 304 page hardback book from the author Tony Atkinson published by Ships In Focus in 2014. This book features a highly informative history of the company since introduction in 1909 all the way through to 2009. The company large fleet of 150 ships have all been featured in high detail with full history. In addition the fleet on the companies 14 small craft have also all been included with full history. Blue Star line other fleet such as those which were chartered ships have been included as well as those that were part of their subsidiary companies the like of which included 12 operated by Singapore based firm Austasia Line and the Italian based subsidiary Calmedia S.P.A Di Navigazone which operated 12 ships. Blue Star Line were also in partnership with Port Line Limited and Ellerman Lines Limited to own and operate a fleet of 10 ships under the name of Associated Container Transportation based in Australia and each of the ships have been included with full detailed history. Detailed history of 21 ships is provided for those which were owned by Star Offshore Services (Supply Boats) Limited and a further 9 of those from Star Offshore Services (Tugs) Limited, two companies which were jointly owned by Blue Star Line and North British Maritime Group. Starman Limited was a company which was a joint venture between Blue Star Line and Rob M Soloman with fleet of 5 ships in which have all been featured in full. Each of those ships were operated to lift heavy vessel.s All this and so much more. Many photographs in which show the varied and wide selection of fleet have also been provided.
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